“The Joy of Giving Generously” • 2 Corinthians 9 • July 24, 2011

“The Joy of Giving Generously”
A sermon from 2 Corinthians 9 by Pastor Mark Wood.

“The Joy of Giving Generously” (MP3 File)

A sermon from 2 Corinthians 9 by Pastor Mark Wood.


Last week we looked at the example of Gentile churches in Macedonia who gave even though they deep in poverty and crushed by life’s circumstances.  In spite of this, they begged for the opportunity to help the poor in Jerusalem.
The Concept of Grace Giving was talked about

Today we are looking at 2 Corinthians 9 (especially vs. 6-15)

1.  The Principle – The Law of the ____________ at work (6)

2.  The Plan – Give what you _________ in your ________ to give (7)

3.  The Pleasure – Be a _____________ giver (7)

1)  How not to give

2)  How to give

4.  The Promise – God is able to _________ your _______ (8-11)

1)  God will see that _____ are cared for (8, 9)

2)  God will give you further ______________ (10, 11)

5.  The Profit – The ___________ are valuable (12-14)
1)  The ______ of God’s people are met (12)
2)  ______________ goes to God (12b)
3)  The reality of your _________ is demonstrated (13a)
4)  God gets the ___________ (13)
5)  Others will give ________ & ________ for you (14)

Paul closes with Praise
God is the Greatest ___________!
Christ is the Greatest __________!

“Jesus Rips the Scribes for Their Arrogance” • Mark 12:35-40 • June 26, 2011

“Jesus Rips the Scribes for Their Arrogance”
A sermon from Mark 12:35-40 by Pastor Mark Wood.

“Jesus Rips the Scribes for Their Arrogance” (MP3)

A sermon from Mark 12:35-40 by Pastor Mark Wood.


1. Jesus __________ Them For Their Arrogance In __________ (vs. 35-37)

The Scribes Believed

Jesus Taught from Psalm 110

2. Jesus __________ Them For Their Arrogance In ___________ (vs. 38-40) – Their ______ – Exalting Lifestyle

Jesus’ Warning included the following areas:
